future Of car & bike

future Of car & bike


about the electronic transport coming in the future like bikes and cars.

 There was a man named Cheri, he had a son named Charitra. Who wanted to run a bike and a car, but the fuel was not available in the future 8, due to which he could not drive a car or bike and the future will increase the price of fuel or the fuel will run out
Due to which people will have a lot of problem in coming and going, so in future time more and more electronic bikes or cars will be used, so that boy was using electronic bike only.
By using an electronic bike, his petrol cost was also being saved, if he had to go somewhere, he used to carry an extra battery with his bike so that if one battery gets exhausted then he can use the other battery immediately. Because of this, he will not have any problem.
If he is traveling a long distance, so now most of the people are using electronic bike only.
And are using electronic cars and bikes, due to which fuel is being saved so that fuel can also be used in our coming times, a little bit like if the fuel will run out completely then which is the time to come At that time there will be no fuel at all, because of this we should use both the electronic bike and the car petrol should be used very less.
So that by reducing the use of transport like petrol, the pollution will be less and there will be no diseases, if we use transport like petrol then there will be a lot of pollution and most of the diseases spread due to pollution such as heart disease and breathing. Problems like problem spreads in 
herefore, we should reduce the use of cars and bikes which are smokeless, we should use only the most electronic cars and bikes so that all the people coming to our future should also know that earlier petrol was used the most. That's why we should reduce the use of petrol and use more electronic, due to which there is no pollution and no one will have problem due to electronic bike and car.

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